Add Your Story

Are you a Gippsland resident with a story of resilience and recovery after the fires and/or COVID-19? We’d love to read your story.

Please note the stories on our website will be displayed anonymously, without your name or email address. If you would like to, you may include your name within the text of your story submission.

Think of an eye-catching title that captures the essence of your story.

We recommend writing your story in a text editor such as Microsoft Word and then pasting the text of below. This will ensure your story is not lost during the upload process.

This is an image that will be the feature image of your story.

These are additional images that will be displayed with your story (optional).

Your name will not be displayed on the website and will be kept confidential.

Your email will not be displayed on the website and will be kept confidential. We’re collecting this in case we can’t approve your story and we need to get in touch.

E.g. 3875. This will not be displayed on the website and will be kept confidential. This information will help Connect Well understand which demographics are engaging with our initiative for continuous improvement.

This will not be displayed on the website and will be kept confidential. This information will help Connect Well understand which demographics are engaging with our initiative for continuous improvement.

For more information on privacy and confidentiality, click here

When you press submit below, please wait until you see the success page before closing this browser window. If you are uploading images it could take a while to finish uploading and submitting your story.

Your story will be published after it has been reviewed. Thank you!